today on Facebook the photo below & comment led to the conversation [typos edite out] below that -
[Caption] Tony Green In the beautiful new welcoming hotel-style lobby -- bookshop in the background -- & note the company logo on the shirt in the foreground, checking in coats before the tour with guides, processed by management to take you round the new corporate sponsorship culture-temple - & if you speak English. there are wall-labels with easy-read instructions on what to think about each work of art Like · Reply · 3 hrs · Edited
Martin Rumsby Every non practicing artist who works as an arts administrator, academic etc should be tithed 15% of the salary they make off the back of artists (even those artists they ignore) to go into an artist administered fund to be paid amongst artists by artists according to artistic principles. Unlike · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Tony Green I really like your idea ---- you mean an artist's council- actually funded by the public administrators paying15%tax into a fund for every dollar they pay administrators - a council like the best of the Queen's initiative for the New Zealand govt to form an arts council --- currently in ruins --- that wd encourage all administrative bodies in the arts to pay the administrators less & divert their money to where it would benefit the arts - so they need to be prevented from hiring at a cheaper rate so they don't get more mediocracy there than they've got already -- there is a need for the best educated intellectual support you can find [as distinct from trained managers] - not corporate processed graduates with cheapened degrees· Reply · 40 mins
Martin Rumsby We all know about the benefits of chance. Arts funding could be greatly expanded by throwing arts applications into a draw, like a lottery. There could be some culling at the beginning, to kick out bogus applications, criminals etc. No need to pay flights, catering, hotels, per diems etc; plus no actual arts officers - just someone to sort out the honest from the dishonest applications. Sure some turkeys will get funded. That happens now. I bet the odds would be much the same as under the present system, but more money would go to artists. That's where it needs to go.
Tony Green & valuable arts enterprises cdn't get de-funded [un-friended?] so callously - Downstage? Sport? & unfunded like Kilmog Press etc Like · Reply · 5 mins
Tony Green may I post this conversation on my art blog, please, Martin? Like · Reply · 4 mins
Martin Rumsby The other thing that would be saved would be research, meetings, studies etc on 'policy.' Imagine the artwork that would be created if a group of artists sat around talking about, developing and instituting arts policy. Policy that probably ultimately reflects the bias of the current government. The solution is so simple and yet impossible to achieve. Prioritize artists. Put artists first. Support & serve artists and chuck everything else out. It's irrelevant. Like · Reply · 3 mins
Write a comment... Martin Rumsby The other thing that would be saved would be research, meetings, studies etc on 'policy.' Imagine the artwork that would be created if a group of artists sat around talking about, developing and instituting arts policy. Policy that probably ultimately reflects the bias of the current government. The solution is so simple an yet impossible to achieve. Prioritize artists. Put artists firsts. Support & serve artists and chuck everything else out. It's irrelevant. Like · Reply · 1 min